So I honor the energy of the Great Bear, which comes from my maternal lineage. The strong and powerful Bear knows when it is time to retreat into her den, into the womb of the Mother Earth to be renewed and reborn. It is a time to honor stillness and the coming darkness before the winter solstice. This is the time that the Divine Universe seeks to reconnect with our conscious minds by allowing them to drop out of busy activities and into meditation, contemplation and inner creativity. It is a time to allow the gestation of the Divine plan within us so that when spring calls us forth, we act on God's Will rather than our own agenda.
So I choose to begin to drop my commitments to the outer world. As the western world gears up for the hype of one more commercial christmas, I begin to withdraw into the inner stillness that prepares me for the Great Winter Solstice. For this is what my ancient bones remember the most. Standing in sacred circles and looking to the heavens for the signs of alignment and order that extend far beyond our human constructed world. And I feel the deep slumbering energies of the great beasts who have retreated into the earth. Their heartbeat creates the symbiotic rhythm that my heart longs to follow.
Have you too been trying to force yourself to remain busy despite this deeper calling within you? If so I invite you to join me in dropping into this deeper, silent, sacred time of year. I invite you to hear the ancient beat of the universal heart that has slowed into a soothing pulse that restores your weary body and mind. Do not believe that this is wasted time, for it is the opportunity that God has waited for to penetrate the land of concepts and ideas and offer a deeper insight. For this is when true vision is received.