There is so much emphasis these days on visualizing, affirming, believing & manifesting your dreams. And I acknowledge that indeed our thoughts & emotions are powerful vehicles for transformation. Yet the reason why I believe most people have such mediocre & unpredictable results is our tendency to latch onto those dreams & visions with all of our strength, just waiting & hoping & praying for the day that our reality matches them.
The biggest problem that I see & have experienced is that when we are holding on so tight it is as if we are playing tug-of-war with the Universe & these dreams & visions are unable to "seed" the quantum plenum with that which stirs our hearts. Then finally, when we just can't keep hoping for things to change, we give up. We surrender, but in resignation & hopelessness rather than in faith & allowing. So the vacillations continue between our yearning/grasping and our hopeless/resignation.
But what if we were simply able to witness those experiences that tickle our fancy & light the fire within us, without needing to lock them into a "plan"? What if every time we felt something stir our soul we could close our eyes & blow it into this miraculous Universe like a child blowing a dandelion? Then the seeds of our passion & joy would be scattered throughout all time & space, falling on myriad soils - some barren & some rich & fertile.
Then the Source of all Life would have free reign to create a reality that is light years beyond the limits of our conditioned minds & erratic emotions. And if you sit quietly, sometimes you can almost feel the wheels of this creative force turning & checking every possibility until the perfect one for our Soul path falls into place perfectly. So dream those dreams.....and blow their seeds into the wind of life, welcoming the miraculous synchronicities that exist beyond even our wildest imaginings. ♡ Jeanette