We live in an amazing time with brilliant people discovering such profound epiphanies about how our minds, bodies & souls work. One of these discoveries of the last decade that may be of greater importance than we realize is the growing awareness of something referred to as 'Developmental Trauma'. This is not the sudden, unexpected incident that rocks you to the core. Nor is it the horror that any combat soldier faces. Rather it is the subtle, chronic condition of being neglected, un-cared for or chastised for being who we are when that doesn't fit the norm. It can even occur when being birthed by a mother who has received the standard drugs of the era, which prevent her from creating the initial bond that attunes us to the amazing rhythm of the human heart.
Yes it can also occur from outright abuse, but what few have realized until now is that many of the sensitive and creative souls who march to the beat of a different drum often show significant signs of developmental trauma later in life. Fortunately our souls eventually strive to break through the repressive barriers that conditioned us when we were young to hide ourselves in the dark. Eventually some crisis or inspiration calls us to face the often unrecognized force of misplaced shame and guilt, and bring it to the light for forgiveness and healing.
This what Blue Earth Awakening and Creative Awakening are all about.....helping sensitive & creative souls to discover the brilliance that dwells within us all. Let our hearts awaken the potential within us that is ready to push through the fecund soil of our inner garden and find its way to the light of consciousness, where it can bloom for all to see!