It is now crucial that these micro choices no longer remain unconscious. This is the reawakening of conscious cells all agreeing to work in coherent unison for the transformation of the human instrument into the Sovereign Integral expression of Infinite Intelligence. This has always been true and available, yet our life's apparent movement through time and space offers myriad opportunities to experience this with greater awareness.
So take this moment and simply allow all effort to cease. Dive into this whirlpool of inner darkness and see that if we surrender our resistance to the flow of life that what we thought would be the bottom of an abyss is really the dispersion of separateness into all that is. Consciousness remains and is realized to be nothing other than all that this moment contains. We are the microscopic and macroscopic. We can choose to allow this truth to awaken the wisdom within our cells and synapses and permeate all LIFE.
♡ Jeanette