The ego is always in a state of competition. Either it is competing with someone outside or someone inside, but the competition never ceases. In fact even when it perceives that there is someone other than it to compete with, it is in fact competing with itself. It is competing to prove that it is worthy of something....of everything, because it doesn't really believe that it ever will be. And no matter how much self love we give the ego it will never be enough.
So then, what is the answer? Surrender is the only possible answer, the only possible way to end the competition. No matter what it is that the ego thinks it is battling, no matter how noble the cause, the only solution is to stop. For whenever there is the impulse to win at anything, there is separation, there is duality.
In the end the ego will never solve the dilemma of life itself. The more reign it has to keep trying the more we will pull into our life relationships & people whom we perceive to be in opposition to us. And although the ego may be able to cooperate temporarily, it will never be able to truly collaborate entirely. The final battle is in fact to stop battling at all.
Yes, I know this goes against everything that the ego has been taught: to never give up, to persevere, to use the last breath to serve the forces of Light & defeat the Darkness. But try for just a moment to watch this inner gladiator & see how it squirms under your direct observation. What lies underneath that it is trying so hard to protect? Ultimately it knows that in the final surrender....the ego itself disappears!